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Beautiful and Interesting

With a pub table crafted from recycled timber and metal, you can seat six to eight people. Pieces like this are beautiful the way nature is beautiful – interesting, varied, harmonious and substantive.

We’re all in love with the black metal, heavy grey canvas chairs that come in bar and table height. They’re soft, sturdy and very comfortable.With interesting styling on the side, it’s as though the design is referencing and out-performing the typical folding chair.

The simplicity of the table and chairs allows the area rug to stand out. This hand-woven beauty features an ink-blue shape as part of the pattern. It brings an original, vintage feeling to any area, and can be used in any number of settings

The beauty of a slate cutting board atop a wooden table cannot be overstated. The texture, color and raw edge provide a truly elegant surface for cheeses or breads.

The grey concrete planters are weather-safe, pleasingly round, and serve to echo the grey of the chairs. Use moss, as shown here, or any other no-fuss vegetation.

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