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Simply Perfect Scale {Part 2}

We love great rooms because they allow family members to be together. One person can cook while another watches TV and yet another cozies up with a book.

Yet we’ve all seen great rooms that aren’t that great, where the space just seems vast and unused.

By breaking up space visually (we’re back to those tricks with the eye again), you can define areas for specific activities. And you can create traffic patterns, which is a designer’s way of talking about where you want people to walk.

A weathered wood and metal dining table seats three on each side comfortably because the table legs are at the ends of the table. The combination of the rustic wood and clean lines makes for a magnificent piece.

Grey tweedy fabric chairs with wooden legs and metal straps are comfortable, sturdy and lightweight. The combination of wood and metal fit perfectly with the table.

On top of the table, geometric metal sculptures seem to float, providing a contrast to the heavy concrete planter. Low, compact succulents, vines and a splash of red add interest and focus. The grey planter lets the wood’s grain and finish take center stage.

Another option, using a mercury glass container atop the table, accentuates the wood through reflection and texture.

Overall, the dining area is defined and separated from the living room space and the kitchen. This breaks up the great room according to function, providing comfortable, human-sized areas for daily use.

Acoustics in a great room can be managed through the strategic use of fabrics, rugs and plants, which all absorb sound.

sept. home ideas (small) (3 of 10)           sept. home ideas (small) (8 of 10)

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